How exactly Do you Scribe ?

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I’ve been scribing for all my professional working life but it’s hard to pin down how I do it beyond “listen really carefully and keep listening while you draw the last important thing you heard”! That’s it in a nutshell. It’s a strain on your working memory so, as with most information gathering, you might want to download some of it onto post-it notes. I have used my phone but people think you’re chatting to mates in the middle of their big presentation. But sometimes - often - you can’t use post-its because it’s all happening too quickly. In which case I find the pressure of the situation keeps you alert and your editing pretty ruthless!


Here’s a quick and simplified attempt at drawing out the process. I think it’s simple enough to be self explanatory. And incomplete enough to attempt again sometime soon. One thing is worth emphasising: the big lightning bolt of inspiration only strikes now and again but when it hits it really does bypass the conscious processes and is the best bit about Scribing!

Scribe Diary One

Scribe Diary One

So, I thought it would be a nice idea to create a diary using the principles of scribing and fill it with personal stuff, news and things in between. I planned to take my time, choose my subjects well and piece it together artfully. But of course life intervened and drew what I could, when I could. There are a few thematic threads - my son, aliens and the Internet of Things. And a lone entry on the Rio Olympics. Yesterday I tried to bring the parts together. It kind of works. As a scribe it could definitely be more woven together. But it’s ok for a first stab and I’m interested to see what I can do with the next one.